Thursday, October 13, 2011

Great Idea for your Kindergartener

Here is a GREAT idea for your active kindergartener.
Print out the sight words they are working on at school.

Put the print outs on one side of the room and you and your K sit on the other side.

Tell them the sight word you want to have them get. They run, get the word, bring it back to you and then you give them a treat ( example use a bag of fruit snack and give them one piece each time they get it right. Another idea would be to use seasonal items you can find at the $ section at target..small erasers, pencils, tattoos, candy corn, etc.)

My son would love this game since he has a hard time sitting for a long time and needs to work on his sight words for homework.

Thanks,  1+ 1 + 1 + 1

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