Saturday, September 24, 2011

Omelet Wrap

So this morning I attempted to make something healthy for breakfast that would keep me full longer. I always eat a healthy breakfast but I don't always eat enough fruits and vegetables. I think that is what is hindering my weight loss.  I wanted a vegetable omelet but that didn't turn out the way I wanted so I turned it into a wrap!

I chopped up the pepper and onion and sautéd it with some salt, pepper and olive oil. I then added one whole egg and two egg whites. Next I added 1/4 cup of cheese and cooked until eggs were cooked and cheese was melted.
Then when I saw the finished product in the pan it looked NOTHING like and omelet so I though hmmm what can I do...and that is how I ended up with this:
I split up the egg mixture so the above pic would be 5 points all together. Lets hope this aids in the weight loss!

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